Citizen Panel

Objective: "A Citizens' Panel is a large, demographically representative group of citizens regularly used to assess public preferences and opinions. When conducted online it is sometimes known as an e-Panel. A Citizens' Panel aims to be a representative, consultative body of local residents. They are typically used by statutory agencies, particularly local authorities and their partners, to identify local priorities and to consult service users and non-users on specific issues. More recently, there have been attempts to form a European Citizens’ Panel at the international level, taking the method beyond its traditional space at the local level." (

"Citizen panels involve an information phase, in which those interested are informed about the project planned, and a discussion phase, in which the participants can express their views, wishes and ideas. Citizen panels are usually employed at communal level, either to handle one specific issue or as a permanent facility for discussing varying matters of concern to ordinary citizens." (

"These panels are composed of citizens selected on the basis of a representative sample of the population. Governments regularly consult the citizen’s panel by postal or telephone surveys, interviews or workshops in order to receive reactions on a variety of policy initiatives” (OECD, 2001).

Participation level Target groups Number of participants Duration/Timeline Implementation Frequency Budget
Consultation Any Up to 100 1 day Adaptable Any Medium
Organizational requirements:
  • Staff to keep the Panel database up to date, recruit new participants, and to run and analyse the consultations.
  • Feedback on the outcome of consultation and spread among the participants (often through a newsletter) and among the wider public (often through local or new media).
  • Regular contact with Panel members
  • Project management/Event organization (surveys, workshops, focus groups)
  • Protocol/Documentation