Speed Geeking

Objective: Speed Geeking is a method to introduce and expose participants to new ideas, thoughts or processes.

"A large group split up into smaller groups that make their way around several short presentations by experts (geeks) who introduce them to new technologies, ideas or processes. Each group visits each short presentation in turn until they are back at the beginning. Each presentation should be a fixed duration and allow participants to interact with the presenters. Speed Geeking is useful when you have lots of new ideas, thoughts or processes to get across in a short time" (ideaflip.com).

"How to Use

  • For each topic an experienced practitioner is asked to provide a 5-10 minute overview of their topic. These presenters can be selected in advance or from the group, depending on experience and context. (Variants to the method)
  • Presenters should be briefed on the process. Coach them to focus on key points. Advise them they will probably get better with each round, so this is a good presentation training opportunity for them. Also give them water. It can dry your mouth out fast!
  • Each presenter is stationed at a table or flip chart with pens around the room. If they are demo-ing a technology, they would have a laptop and appropriate power/internet connections.
  • The group is divided into groups - the number of groups determined by the number of presenters. An easy way to do this is to simply count off around the room (1,2,3,4... 1,2,3, 4... etc) or pre-number name tags for large groups.
  • The facilitator gives a brief instruction that each round is X minutes long (anywhere from 5-20 depending on the size of group and number of stations and time available). When a signal is given, the groups rotate around the room to the next station. The intent is that everyone visits every station.
  • Proceed through all the rounds. Towards the end, people will be getting tired and perhaps loud and rowdy. You may need to intervene.
  • At the end, do a short debrief of the experience. Some questions might include: what did you learn that you did not expect to learn? What do you want to learn more about? What did you learn that you might apply tomorrow in your work?
  • Thank the presenters and conclude the session" (http://kstoolkit.org/Speed+geeking).
Participation level Target groups Number of participants Duration/Timeline Implementation Frequency Budget
Information Any Up to 100 1/2 day Live event One event Low
Organizational requirements:
  • Moderator/Facilitator
  • Education about the procedure of the activity before the actual activity taking place
  • People with subject expertise
  • Project management/Event organization

For more materials that can be used during a speed geeking event, see the Ingenious Peoples Knowledge website, http://www.i-p-k.co.za/ipk-design-kit/
